The Alexandra School

Per Ardua Ad Astra

The Alexandra School

Per Ardua Ad Astra


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Students Zone

A collection of useful resources for students in one convenient location.  Find study tips, online learning guides, exciting activities, interesting clubs, lyrics for the school song and more.

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We are committed to ensuring that: Staff are qualified, trained and professionally supportive

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News / Notices


Vaccine FAQs for Barbadians

These FAQs are intended for Barbadians who have questions about vaccines generally, and the vaccine for COVID-19, in particular. The vaccination of the national population is a significant part of the strategy of the Government of Barbados in its effort to “Beat Back COVID.”

Return To School & COVID-19 Protocols

The worldwide pandemic has brought numerous changes to our lives, and this is especially felt in educational circles. Up unto 17 March 2020 our school roll was 860 students, we were challenged for space, but we managed. The COVID-19 restrictions have led to a complete review of school and how education will be delivered.

The Alexandra School Handbook

Download the Alexandra School Student Handbook.

6th Year Booklet

This Handbook has been adapted from the School’s Handbook to reflect the needs of the School’s 6th Form. Sixth formers are the most senior students of the school and as such are expected to set a high standard.

List of Stationery & Other Materials

Each pupil must be supplied with the items shown on the Stationery & Other Materials list by the parent/guardian, by the start of the school year:

Junior Uniform – Boys

Full details of the Junior Boys school uniform of the Alexandra School and uniform pattern available for download.

Junior Uniform – Girls

Full details of the Junior Girls school uniform of the Alexandra School and uniform pattern available for download.

School Song

Built on foundations unshaken
Though the winds of change have blown,
Firmly stands our school united,
All its gains our very own,
So the years roll swiftly onward
And our tasks are nobly done;
Now we join and sing together
Per Ardua Ad Astra.

Ever true and loyal,
Striving hard for each success,
We can face the future boldly,
Proudly, as we make progress.
With determined will and effort
With our motto guiding us,
Let us join and sing together
Per Ardua Ad Astra.

We are following the pathway
Laid by those of yesteryear
Who have left behind a challenge,
Bid us take it without fear.
As we leave for those who follow
Trails upwards to the stars.
Joyfully we hear the echo
Per Ardua Ad Astra.

(Lyrics by the late Kathleen Laurie, Former Teacher, The Alexandra School)
(Music by the late Grace Thompson, Former Student & Teacher, The Alexandra School)

School Hymn

Heavenly Father may thy blessing

Heavenly Father, may thy blessing
Rest upon thy children now,
When in praise thy name we hallow,
When in prayer to thee we bow;
In the wondrous story reading
Of the Lord of truth and grace
May we see thy love reflected
In the light of his dear face

May we learn from this great story
All the arts of friendliness;
Truthful speech and honest action,
Courage, patience, steadfastness;
How to master self and temper,
How to make our conduct fair;
When to speak and when be silent,
When to do and when forbear.

May His spirit wise and holy
With his gifts their spirits bless,
Make them loving, joyous, peaceful,
Rich in goodness, gentleness,
Strong in self-control, and faithful,
Kind in thought and deed; for he
Sayeth, ‘What ye do for others
Ye are doing unto me.


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