PARENTS are expected to:
• Support and cooperate with teachers through the PTA, parent-teacher interviews, conferences, visits to the school, school events, individual contact, newsletters, notices, etc.
• Ensure that their child attends school regularly and is punctual.
• Be responsible for seeing that homework is done properly every night and that the area where this is done is well lit and relatively quiet.
• Pay careful attention to their child’s exercise books and textbooks, teachers feedback on pupil’s work, conduct and deportment.
• Ensure that their child reads his/her textbooks and wholesome literature.
• Encourage their child to: a) respect all other children, teachers and non- teaching staff at the school, and b) obey the school rules.
• Be responsible for ensuring that their child wears the correct school uniform and is fully equipped for school each school day.
• Communicate to form teachers and/or Guidance Counselor any matters/problems affecting or likely to affect their child’s education/welfare.
In addition :
1. Parents are expected to attend all form-level meetings.
2. Except in cases of emergency parents should make appointments with teachers to discuss matters affecting their children.
3. Parents are not permitted to enter classrooms without the permission of the Principal.
4. It is imperative that parents make themselves conversant with all school rules. They should also recognize that this handbook may not reflect all the rules in effect at the time.