The Alexandra School

Per Ardua Ad Astra

The Alexandra School

Per Ardua Ad Astra


Info for parents


Resources for pupils

Rules & Policies

Below is an overview of the school’s general policies and rules. These include codes of conduct, general procedures, academic policy, etc. Full details can be found in the Student Handbook.  Please also feel free to contact us if you have any specific concerns regarding the school’s rules and policies.

Rules & Policies

Rules and Code of Conduct

Click the + sign to expand each section.

Pupils are required to be present during the hours prescribed for school (08:35am – 14:45pm). No pupil may leave the premises for any reason before the end of the school day unless permission is sought in writing in advance by parent/guardian and/or unless permission has been granted by the Principal.

If a pupil is absent from school for one or more days without prior notice, a written excuse from parent/guardian must be submitted to the Form Teacher at registration by the pupil on his return to school. A pupil who does not present the required excuse at the proper time will NOT be  admitted to classes.

Pupils are required to wear the prescribed school uniform on ALL school occasions. Minor departure from this may be tolerated for very limited periods of time if written excuses are brought from parents/guardians. Pupils may not be admitted to classes if they do not present such excuses

All students, whether at school or representing the school at any game, sport, cultural activity or any other tour or event are subject to the discipline of the school, whether or not the activity is being conducted on the school premises. The business of school is studying, working and learning.

See full details in Handbook

1.0 Entry Protocol

All visitors must always wear masks whilst on the compound.

• Visitors must observe the visible floor markers for physical distancing placed at the school entrance and must comply with instructions to form orderly lines and to maintain appropriate physical distancing upon entry.

• Physical distancing must be observed on the compound, especially at the sanitization stations, cafeteria, washrooms, main office, etc.

• Security Officers or other appointed persons shall use non-contact infrared thermometer, at the school’s entry point. Students or visitors with a higher than average temperature will be directed to a cool area nearby and their temperature rechecked after 5 minutes. The environmental temperature must be taken into consideration; therefore, temperature checks must be done more than once before a student or visitor is deemed to be a person of concern.


See full Return to School Policy

It is an offence to:
1. Use obscene language in school uniform, whether or not they are on the school premises.
2. Enter any Betting Shops or Gaming Rooms.
3. Indulge in any sexual activity on the school compound or while in any representative capacity of the school.
4. Throw stones or any such missiles.
5. Chew gum on the premises or in uniform anywhere.
6. Eat or drink on the street.
7. Bring electronics or digital devices including cell phones, to school without permission.
8. Use perfumes or powder, in the form rooms. Personal grooming must be done in the bathrooms provided. Absolutely no makeup is to be worn whilst in uniform.
9. Damage trees or plants by picking leaves, flowers and or breaking branches or by making pathways through the hedges.
10. Walk on the lawns in hard shoes.
11. Climb walls or fences surrounding the school premises or to climb trees on the school grounds.
12. Take bottles or furniture on to any games area.
13. Play games on the stairways, on the covered walkway, in the car park, on the roadway, in the gardens, in the vicinity of the office or any classroom including in the specialists rooms (labs, art rooms, etc.).
14. Smoke or have any substance or apparatus designed for smoking on the school premises or while in school uniform.
15. Bring or drink alcoholic beverages on the school premises and to have in your possession or drink such beverage on the way to and from school.
16. Loiter on the road or outside of shops, hotels, business places, restau-rants or any other place or entertainment.
17. Loiter on the compound or at the school gates before or after school. Students must make their way to classes as soon as the bell rings.
18. Absent themselves from Morning assembly. All students must attend Prayers unless exemption has been granted for religious reasons or written request from a parent/guardian.
19. To talk during Assembly or behave in such a manner as to disrupt the activity being conducted.
20. To use the Hall as a passage or recreation room. It is reserved for Assembly, and teacher-supervised extracurricular activities and classes.
21. To leave school without permission. Students having entered the school premises in the morning are not permitted to leave without per-mission from the Principal or Deputy Principal, or, in their absence, an-other member of staff in case of an emergency. A breach of this rule may result in immediate suspension.

1. Students are required to be courteous to their peers, members of staff and visitors at all times.
2. Students must stand and acknowledge the teacher or visitor whenever they enter the form room.
3. Students must request permission of the teacher/person in charge to leave the classroom.
4. Students leaving the class will be given an exit pass and must be able to present it on request once outside the classroom.
5. No student will be permitted to leave the class during the fol-lowing times: Lesson 1, lesson 5, after 11:30 a.m. or 2:30 p.m. Students are encouraged to visit the bathroom and take care of any personal matters before school and at lunch as permission will only be given to leave the classroom in cases of emergencies.
6. Students using the stairs must keep to the left, allowing those desirous of passing to do so, showing consideration at all times.
7. Students must step aside to the left allowing teachers to walk unobstructed along the corridors and pathways.
8. Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. are late, thereafter must report to the Office and collect a late slip before proceeding to their class .
9. Students must not enter the staff room at any time unless instructed to do so.
10. Students must refrain from going to the Staff Room during lesson time or in the first half of the lunch period unless instructed to do so by a teacher . However in the case of an emergency such as illness, accident, or to report an accident or serious misconduct including damage to school property, students are permitted to visit the staff room if solicited.

See full details in Handbook

An Emergency Evacuation Plan is in place for the entire school. Each room contains specific instructions. Students are required to proceed briskly (no running) to stipulated areas. They must remain quiet to await further instructions.

Emergency drills are held periodically throughout the year.

All students must participate in emergency drills executed by the school. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

Standard of work
Pupils are expected to be diligent in their school work and to maintain a high standard therein. The pass mark in any subject is 60% in both the Junior School and the Senior School.

Presentation of School work
Students’ work must always be neat, legible and clearly presented. Work must reflect a great deal of care, scholarship and also concern for teachers. Shoddy and untidy work WILL NOT be accepted by teachers.

Homework consists not only of written work but also of study and/or review of the previous lessons .
The School’s policy is:
-Homework must be done each night in no fewer than three subjects. – Homework for all subjects must be done on weekends.
– Students must review work done in class on a daily basis.
– Students must revise constantly in order to consolidate knowledge.

All students must bring to school the textbooks for the particular subjects as specified by their timetable.
Students must familiarize themselves with their textbooks and parents are encouraged to assist in this vital matter
Students must take good care of text books .

Library Use
The Library is available for scheduled sessions as well as during lunch and after school until 4:00 p.m.

Academic Progress
Please note parents may be asked by the Administration of the school to remove from school any boy or girl who in the opinion of the Staff and the Board of Management is not making reasonable progress or whose conduct is unsatisfactory.

Study Habits TIP
Preview lessons, read ahead overnight or before the teacher comes to the class.
At Alexandra, the greater the challenge, the higher we will soar!
The Alexandra School
At Alexandra, the greater the challenge, the higher we will soar!
The Alexandra School